Flat Roofing Coatings – Lolo, MT

In Lolo, MT, flat roof commercial buildings are nice to have as they give a safe place to store things that would otherwise be on the ground level and be at a higher risk of damage. However, this also means the roof needs an extra layer of protection. We at Flag Ship Foam & Coatings highly recommend applying flat roof coatings to your roof. This will not only protect it but also give it a boost. Call (208) 946-3031 to find out if your roof can get this aid.

Preventative Measures

A roof coating is one of the most underutilized preventative measures for a roof. Sure, there are other measures one can take to protect their roof, such as repairs, inspections, and regular maintenance. However, a roof coating can help your roof in more ways than these other measures can do. On top of protecting your roof from the damaging rays from the sun it also waterproofs your roof. This protects the materials and the structure. As most structural parts are made from wood, these are susceptible to damage due to water. It also protects your insulation from being damaged or utilized for unintended purposes, for example as nesting for critters.

Cost Effectiveness

When visiting the idea of a roof coating a big question is cost. The truth is having your roof coated is much less expensive than replacing your roof. It also saves money in terms of repairs and maintenance. Another area that it saves in is the cost of utilities. You see as roofing materials age they thin and certain aspects of the materials are disrupted. In this disruption it allows the air from inside your building, thus reducing the productivity of your HVAC and causing it to work at a much higher rate. This raises your costs, however a coating seals these materials creating an invisible barrier which keeps the cooler air in your building. Thus, reducing the stress on your HVAC, allowing it to keep your building comfortable at a much lower work level.

Contact Us Today

Flat roof coatings can do so much good for your roof, your bottom line, and your building. If you own a commercial flat roof in Lolo, MT, then you want the best company to apply the roof coating for you. That company is Flag Ship Foam & Coatings, we will have your flat roof protected quickly. Contact us today by dialing (208) 946-3031.